If you have read my previous post about Valentine cheat, ( or if you have not, here is the link:  http://iamnuts-babehui.blogspot.com/2012/02/valentine-day-special-cheat-your.html )

Here is the cheat 2.
If you are not going to love cooking rice and cutting, chopping this and that, probably mixing is a good way tho. 

And actually I have post about baking before, or not? 
Today, we are going to bake o 
Butter Cheese Cake.

And as I always say, it's really simple to cook a wonderful cake. 
All you have to do is never forget about THIS:
*ninja style*
pre mix

And this is also very important.
Every cake need butter.

8 Eggs.

 Ok, basically, the Pre-mix will tell you what to do.
pre mix

All you have to do is a good girl and follow instructions.
Why there is Pre-Mix in the world?
Because we are lazy :D

Beat butter.

Measure milk.
Awww, look Zac is at the back.
measure with measuring cup

Mix everything up until it's fluffy.
pre mix

Put the mixture into the oven and bake it.
Poof, its done.
pre mix

Cut and decorate your cake lah!

Now you can spray some water on your face and tell your bf you bake it like 4 hours and you are so tired.
He will pamper you! :D

Who needs recipe if you have Pre-Mix? 15minutes and you're done! 

Good luck!

Valentine day is just around the corner.
Feeling to blue cause you can't decide what to do to bright up the Valentine day and make it special? 
*This is why I say single is always the best!

Anyway, since you're really bad luck because you have a boyfriend on a Valentine day, I decided to help you out. 

I am here to teach you how to CHEAT. 

Yes. Cheat.
....on your cooking skills. 

kawaii bento, cute lunch box

This look verycomplicatedwtf. 
But unless, you don't even know how to use a knife, or else, this is just a PIECE OF.....

which means a cute lunch box.

If you really can't make this after read my blog post, seriously, you don't deserve a boyfriend, single is just good for you. haha

kawaii bento, cute lunch box

For the bento making, you need the 
Knife (small one will do)
lunch box
cling wrap
chopping board

red plum ( THAT IS NOT AN APPLE FYI ) 
green apple
Rice ( Japanese rice is recommended )
soy sauce

Something Extra:

Ok, basically, I will teach you guys how to do the basic thing, and how to decorate it, and what ingredients you want to use actually is optional, depends on personal preferences. 

1st: How to make your rice brown?
Ok, I am not going to teach you how to cook the rice as everyone has the rice cooker. 
But if you want your decoration bear to be a "Brown Bear" instead of the "Polar Bear" or "Panda" , mix your rice with the soy sauce. 
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

2nd: How to shape the rice?
Use the cling wrap. Always use the cling wrap.
You can use your bare hand tho, erm. Just that it's not that hygiene.
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

See? The Brown Bear's head is shaped.
You can achieve a better result while the rice is still sticky and warm.
kawaii bento, cute lunch box
Mine is actually quite a bad example....

3rd: How to make the octopus decoration?
It's pretty simple.
But always remember to buy a bigger sausage.
The length is not vital but to get the perfect Octopus Deco, you have to make sure the sausage is thick enough for you to cut.
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

Cut a cross, and another cross again. ( so hard to explain lah, use your brain here )
Left it half hanging to form the Octopus head.
Now you'll have 8 tentacles.
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

Fry them on a pan/wok with a little oil. And you're done with the octopus.
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

4th: How to make the freaking cute Hen Decoration? 
This is also very simple.
First, prepare a boiled egg.
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

Cut a small thin slice of carrot in this shape.
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

And poke into the egg.
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

Cut another slices of carrots into some shapes as these.
And yes, poke them into the correct place.
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

 5th: How to make the awesome flower deco!?
This is also very very simple.
Cut the strawberry into half, and into shape like these:
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

Cut a slice of the cucumber and cut them into shapes like these:
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

Use a toothpick and joined them together.
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

6th: How to make the cute rabbit decoration ah?
Ok. This is something hard.
As it is kind of hard to explain with my utterly finite vocabulary.
If you cannot get it through the picture, just don't do the rabbit deco okay? *RAGE*
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

Basically you have to crave a shape like below on your apple.
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

And gently slice the rabbit ear. ( DON'T CUT IT OFF MORON)
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

And do a upper cut lah. like below:
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

Your rabbit basically will look like this.
It can be a base to make your strawberry flowers stand.
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

Something extra?
You can actually fried some nuggets to make as base too. 
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

Do a cheese roll egg if your bf loves cheese.

It's pretty easy, just fry the egg into 7/10 cooked and roll the cheese on. 
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

Decoration start.
Oh well, to make the eyes, you can always cut the seaweeds into the shape you like.
for the nose part, use a toothpick and draw on the cheese!
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

Slowly modify until you are satisfy!
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

kawaii bento, cute lunch box

kawaii bento, cute lunch box

kawaii bento, cute lunch box

kawaii bento, cute lunch box

Use some cucumber slices to be the separator.
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

Ok, I use black sesame to make that ASEAN eye for the hen.
kawaii bento, cute lunch box

Good luck girls!

p/s: Leave me a comment if your bf likes it!
ehhem, or your girlfriend loves it! :D

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So, unless you have nice things to say or just STFU. :)