Big Bad Wolf Sale 2015


The Big Bad Wolf Sale has back! 

I remember the first time my English teacher telling me there are hard cover books selling at RM10, I am totally blown away. 

It is definitely the boldest, baddest, most happening geek fair to me!

So Leon and me went to spend away my BR1M vouchers before all the good books are gone and what a good deal! 

We manage to score 35 books for the box sale. Actually we could have gotten more but Leon is rushing home to do his studies so we have to stop at 35.

If you've been to the Big Bad Wolf Sale before where books are around RM 10 per book, this is more interesting! You can have as many books as you like as long as you can fit it in! 

If you use Hong Leong Bank credit card or you are a DIGI user, you can get another 5% on the sale! I don't have these but I have BR1M! You can use your BR1M too!

TIps: Beware of pick pockets and bring your own cart if possible! Because the cart in BBW is limited. Or you can go look for the books before you buy the box because there is a lot of people moving around and I found that the box can be an annoyance to bring around.

The Big Bad Wolf Box Sale only last till this Sunday! Go grab them before they are gone!

Signing off,
Go be studious!

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  1. May i ask you, what box is this B? Or A

  2. This one is their biggest box and I'm not sure what box is this. Anyway, I'm sure form time to time they've change their boxes size? I think this is box B


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